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Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigators in The Mystery of the Dancing Devil (book)

The Mystery of the Dancing Devil


Greetings, mystery lovers!

Once again I have been called upon to introduce that trio of formidable young detectives known as The Three Investigators. And again I find myself forced to admit that their latest case is worthy of your attention. Seldom have I heard a tale that possesses greater historical scope than this one—which ranges from the barbarous hordes of the great Genghis Khan to a group of sophisticated modern-day conspirators. And seldom have I encountered a more bizarre case. In the course of reading this story, you will meet the monstrous figure of the Dancing Devil—the eerie sight of which is guaranteed to chill your blood!

But lest I be carried away, allow me to proceed with the formal introductions. Jupiter Jones, the stout First Investigator and mastermind of the junior detective firm, is relentlessly determined in the pursuit of a mystery, no matter where it might lead. Pete Crenshaw, the athletic Second Investigator, is more wary of confronting danger, but always dauntless when his help is needed. Bob Andrews, quiet and studious, is in charge of Records and Research, a duty he performs meticulously. All three chaps live not far from Hollywood in Rocky Beach, California, where they maintain a secret headquarters . . . but you will find out for yourself soon enough. Suffice it to say that the lads’ combined talents have enabled them to solve some very unusual cases indeed.

And now, if you have the courage to meet the Dancing Devil, you may turn to Chapter One and commence reading.


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Images from the Hitchcock Gallery (click to view larger versions or search for all relevant images)...